Senior Ads

Senior parents have a unique opportunity to share a special note to their players in the 2024 Football Program to be distributed at all home games! Please submit a photo of your player (it can be a football photo, childhood photo, senior photo, etc...) along with a short note to your player. The senior ads are approximately the size of a business card so please limit your message to 2-3 sentences. Deadline: August 10, 2024

* : required
Player First Name (Whatever name you type here is what will appear on the ad.):*
Player Last Name:*
Message to your player (please limit to 2-3 sentences.) Remember, the senior ads are approximately the size of a business card.:*
Upload your player photo here.:*
FREE WILL DONATION- You are NOT obligated to pay for a senior ad. Your player's ad will appear in the program regardless. However, if you'd like to contribute a free will donation to help cover the cost of printing it's much appreciated!:
Total Due:$0